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Software for Process & Task Management

ProcessBucket is hosted software designed to accelerate and simplify each step of the Process Prescription. 

Learn More at ProcessBucket.com

ProcessBucket has specific features to get results and reduce risk at each of the four steps of the Process Prescription.


1. Identifying your processes with Process Bucket

Connect People to Roles: Every person in your organization wears one or more "hats." What are all these hats and who wears them? Define the exact roles for each person. Remove any ambiguity around who's responsible for what. This provides the foundation for connecting roles to processes.

Connect Functional Areas to Processes: Your business is organized into various functions, each with its own set of processes. Identify your functional areas and the processes in those areas to create a complete collection of everything needed to run your business.

2. Describing your processes with ProcessBucket

Connect Roles to Processes: Every Process has an Owner, and ProcessBucket allows you to assign a Role to each process. You need to answer, "what's assigned to each Role?"  This creates a list of processes for each Role, which allows you to have an always-updated Position Description. The benefit to you is complete clarity about "who's doing what." Everyone knows what to do.

  • Describe expectations and standards for each role
  • Remove ambiguity about what each person does
  • Ensure coverage of all processes by assigning roles to staff
  • Refine your hiring plan to add more coverage of key roles
Connect How-to Guides to Processes: Every recurring process needs some documentation. It doesn't have to be extensive, but knowledge stored only in someone's mind can be easily lost. You need How-to Guides that describe how should each process be run.

3. Using your processes with ProcessBucket

Connect Processes to Tasks: Every recurring Process generates tasks (to-do items). The Task List shows when each generated Task is due. The benefit is complete accountability for when things get done. Nobody can say "I forgot about that."

  • Track task completion
  • Identify late tasks and troubleshoot roadblocks
  • Clarify due dates
  • Re-assign tasks to level out the workload
Connect Tasks to People: Someone needs to complete the tasks generated by your recurring processes. Who is assigned those tasks? When should the tasks be completed? In other words, who's doing what, and when?

4. Improving your processes with ProcessBucket

Connect Priorities to Processes: Not every process needs the same level of attention. Flag your processes with the greatest financial impact, greatest risk, or greatest number of problems. Then develop a plan of attack to fix those processes first.

Connect Labels to Processes: Every process has something in common with another process. Make a note of these common attributes by applying labels to each process. This could be the assigned Role, the functional area, the software used, the methodology, the workflow, or the tools needed. Review all your processes to find common themes that can lead to improvement. If you find wasted effort in one process, what are all the other processes with similar labels that may also need attention?