Looking for FREE Process Resources?


Would you like help with implementing the four steps of the Process Prescription?


To discuss how a Process Prescription consultant could help your organization, schedule a brief introductory call.

Our consultants can work with you to improve results and reduce risk by applying the Process Prescription. We can provide guidance to help you with the following:

Identifying your processes

Describing your processes

Using your processes

Improving your processes

Consulting sessions can be conducted remotely or in-person. A Process Prescription consultant can help with the following activities and deliverables:

Identifying your processes

  • Decide on a set of functional areas that encompass your business
  • Create a role-based org chart
  • Identify all the processes needed to run your organization

Describing your processes

  • Define a How-to Guide template that works for you
  • Prioritize and create new How-to Guides
  • Create a Process Library using Google, Microsoft, or Dropbox.

Using your processes

  • Make How-to Guides that are easy-to-access and easy to follow
  • Capture better ways to run and troubleshoot your processes

Improving your processes

  • Find ways to streamline and identify waste in your processes
  • Create a culture of continuous process improvement
  • Choose the right tools and software for your processes


To discuss how a Process Prescription consultant could help your organization, schedule a brief introductory call.