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The Process Prescription

How Your Business Can improve Results, Reduce Risk, and Grow Faster.

This book explains how your business can organize and optimize your existing processes to achieve better results in less time.

The Book

A clear, easy-to-follow explanation of the Process Prescription, including 'how do I benefit?' and 'how do I do this?'

Chapters 5 through 16 provide step-by-step details for how your business can apply and benefit from the Process Prescription

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Process Consulting

Expert guidance for implementing the Process Prescription, including the following:

Identifying your processes

Describing your processes

Using your processes

Improving your processes

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Process Software

Process Management software for applying the Process Prescription by organizing the following for your business:

Roles: What are all the hats each person wears?

Processes: What's assigned to each Role?

Tasks: Who should do what, and by when?

How-to Guides: How should each process be run?

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Free Resources

Free resources for purchasers of the book, including the following:


Sample process documents

Idea lists

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